Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It's Your Skin: Millk It For All Its Worth!

If you watch television during the daytime, you've noticed the patterns in terms of advertisement. Most ads feature either feminine sanitary products, contraceptive methods, or skin care. You've seen all the Revita Lift and Micro Derm Abrasion ads, all boasting that their product is much more effective (cost-effective and otherwise) than face lifts or botox or collagen injections. You'll see women rubbing some sort of cream on their faces, going over it with a pad or an automated buffer of some sort, and the like.

But there's a far better way to care for your skin. You can exfoliate, moisturize, firm, tone, and clear up blackheads and acne with something that you can buy in a large container at the grocery store for just a few bucks!

And that's the secret that the makers of women's cosmetics don't want you to know: dry milk.

The Egyptian queens bathed in milk, and for centuries the idea of washing the body or face in milk has been associated with ideas of wealth, luxury, and supple beauty. But it's not just for Egyptian royalty and the movie stars that can also afford to wash their hair in caviar! You can have beautiful skin the all-natural (and cheap) way, too.

The treatment is simple, and most likely already a part of your everyday routine. After all, you wash your face every single morning, don't you? Next time, shelve those expensive cleansers, that blackhead and blemish control cream, and that elastin-enhanced sunscreen.

Splash water all over your face so that it is entirely wet. Then press your wet fingertips into a little container of dry milk. Press them to your face and work the granules into your skin. They will be coarse and dry at first, and this will handle the exfoliation process. Then they'll dissolve into your skin, providing the best moisture your skin could hope for. Wash it all out with warm water; if you don't do this well enough, the milk will dry in your skin and you'll look like you have light pattern dryness. Once the milk has been washed out, splash your face with cold water to close those pores. Then pat dry with a clean towel, and you're all set!

Make this part of your daily routine, and you'll soon be laughing at the thought of spending all that money on expensive cleansers, exfoliators, masks, and moisturizers.

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